BEA Elections were held for the upcoming 2022-2023 school year. Up for election this year were the officer positions of President and Secretary and Building Representatives for both the Elementary School and the Secondary School. Because there were no contested races, every listed individual has been elected to their desired positions. Additionally, an election was held to approve a Ballot Initiative to increase the annual tuition reimbursement amount from $3000 to $5000 per year. The results are below.
Terra Hamm
Brett Love
BSS Representatives
Nancy Fischer
Amy Plumley
Kaitlyn Fourman
Kris Knodell
Kim Long
BES Representatives
Kristine Fourman
Nancy Lipscomb
Carrie Robertson
Jacquelyn Krohn Hiser
Ballot Initiative
Increase annual tuition reimbursement to $5000.
Approve- 41 votes
Reject- 1 vote
Thank you to all that voted, and congratulations to these elected individuals. Thank you for your willingness to serve the Association.